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You Know something is wrong, and despite the fact, your doctor may think "it's all in your head," but your symptoms are real and destroying your health and your life.
Your symptoms are a guide to the core reason why you feel out of balance.
Dr. Rispoli has 30 years of clinical experience in Functional Medicine Nutrition and will help guide you to make the right choices for your individual needs.
Dr. Rispoli will work with you 1:1 to teach you which program is right for you so you can make informed decisions regarding your health.
Dr. Rispoli has a doctorate in Clinical Nutrition, Naturopathy and Oriental Medicine, and is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Esthetician.
She is the founder Complete Health A Wellness Center and Alternative Healthy Aging Center and Functional Nutritionist Academy.
She finds the root of your health issues and personalizes a health building program to help you reach your goal of vibrant health.
Everyone has different concerns regarding their health.
We should all strive to reach optimal health in the natural holistic way!
Dr. Rispoli may need to order certain tests to better understand what your specific health needs are. Many of these specialized panels are called “Functional Tests,” supplying us with important information about how various systems are functioning.
These test panels explore aspects of our health not typically covered by most western medicine physicians.
As much as possible, Dr. Rispoli uses the most advanced laboratories, especially those that work with your health insurance companies for possible reimbursement.
Listed below are many examples of the kinds of tests she may order for you:
Genomic Insights Evaluates Over 12 Key Areas of Health
Methylation• Detoxification• Cognition• Inflammation• Anti-Aging• Endocrine• Structural• Energy/Metabolism• Estrogen Genomics• Androgen Genomics• Cardiometabolic• Gastrointestinal.
So basically by understanding your genetics you can navigate away from harmful foods for you, meds that your genes can't tolerate, what foods and exercises are good for you. All of this can have a huge impact on your health and longevity.
Testing might include Thyroid, Adrenal, Sex hormones, Growth hormone, Pituitary hormones, and Insulin, Osteoporosis Risk, Estrogen Metabolism Risk for cancer.
White Blood Cells and Lymphocyte subpopulations, baseline and stimulated cytokine levels, allergies or sensitivities, an autoimmune disease.
Testing for vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and organic acids, heavy metal, chemical exposures, vitamin D.
Evaluating digestion, absorption, inflammation, “Leaky Gut Syndrome,” intestinal dysbiosis, yeast/Candida, parasites, SIBO, and bacterial infections.
Testing for levels of toxic metals such as Mercury, Lead, and Cadmium. Certain other environmental toxins may also be evaluated.
To evaluate depression, anxiety, ADD, insomnia, fatigue, migraine headaches, and chronic pain.
Safe, non-invasive testing methods such as metabolic risk assessment through blood testing like s ApoB, Lp(a), Lp-PLA2, homocysteine, CRP, ApoE, fibrinogen, more in-depth cholesterol, and fat testing and insulin levels, Metabolic Analysis: BMI, for C-Reactive Proteins, A1C, Insulin and Leptin.
Skin testing, as well as blood testing for food and environmental allergies, gluten sensitivities, advanced testing for Celiac Disease, Seasonal nasal allergies, and Asthma. Elimination/Rotations Diets may also be used to determine food allergies and mold.
Percent lean mass and percent body fat.
Once this is done, the laboratory test can be mailed to you, or you can pick them up. Most tests are done in the privacy of your own home, except blood tests, we send you to a lab to have your blood drawn for these if you are in the local area.
The testing methods are urine, saliva, hair sample, or finger prick/blood spot.
After you pay for the test we mail you the kit, the results take two weeks, the test results will be mailed to us, and we will call you to go over the results, it’s that easy! All tests include the consultation for the report of findings in the price.
DNA Testing Advances the Application of Precision Medicine
Many SNPs can influence the odds, or risk, a patient has of developing a specific health condition.
When it comes to specific diseases or syndromes, most SNPs carry low risks. Low risk does not mean that a SNP is unworthy of attention, but rather that the findings must be interpreted as part of an integrated whole, including other SNP result findings that the GenomicInsight ® panel identifies.
GenomicInsight ® provides an unprecedented and comprehensive understanding of a patient’s SNP genomics, coupled with an explanation of each SNP, its potential impact on health, and interventions clinical research has shown will impact their expression.
The Genomic Insight ® DNA test fosters meaningful conversations between clinicians and patients. Enjoy powerful clinician/patient bonds as you work together to optimize wellness.
To order lab tests by mail, you must download the following forms to receive your report consultation. You must click on each of the forms below, print them, fill each form in, then fax them to Dr. Rispoli so she can set up your file for when she receives your report and know who to contact as well as analyze where you need help. All personal information will be kept in strict confidence. All lab tests require a consultation and can only be ordered through a Physician. Please fill out the forms at the bottom of the page. Please fax us back the completed forms to (818) 707-2787.
Dr. Rispoli may need to order certain tests to better understand what your specific health needs are. Many of these specialized panels are called “Functional Tests,” supplying us with important information about how various systems are functioning. These test panels explore aspects of your health not typically covered by most western medicine physicians and help us find the root of your health issues to apply natural solutions quickly.
Note: Prices include the Reoprt of Findings and recommendations.
Tissue Mineral Anlysis - Heavy Metal and Electrolytes $205 Hair sample
Cyrex Labs:
Array 2 – Intestinal Antigenic Permeability $354 blood
Array 3X – Wheat/Gluten Reactivity/Autoimmune $425 blood
Array 4 – Gluten-Assoc Cross-Reactive Foods $390 blood
Array 5 – Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity $620 blood
Array 7X – Neurological AI Reactivity-Expanded $565 blood
Array 10 – Multiple Food Immune Reactivity $625 blood
Array 11 – Chemical Immune Reactivity Screen $465 blood
Array 12 – Pathogen Assoc Immune Reaction $525 blood
Array 14 – Mucosal Immune Reactivity screen $495 blood
Array 20 – Blood Brain Barrier Permeability $360 blood
Array 22 - Irritable Bowel/SIBO Screen $400 blood
Dropship kits $12.99
Adrenal Stress TestASI $275 saliva
Diagnostic Solutions:
GI MAP DNA AUTOIMMUNE $485 stool Zonluin ass-on $64 (H.pylori included)
GI Pathogen Profile $745 stool
*Genomic Insight $510 buccal swab
Doctors Data:
Amino Acid Profile $365 urine
GI360 $525 stool
Estrogen Metabolism (cancer risk) $265 urine
Hepatic Detox $250 urine
Methylation $550 Buccal swab
Metabolomic $235 urine C-reactive, A1C, Insulin, Leptin
Neuro/Adrenal combo $360 saliva/urine
Neuro/hormone $425 saliva/urine
Permeability (Leaky Gut) $155 urine
Thyroid Profile $195 blood
Drinking water test $225 water sample
Adrenal Stress Test $260 saliva
Allergy 87 food IgG Antibodies $245 bloodspot
Mold 15 $245 blood
CV Health cardiovascular $375 blood
GI Effects Comprehensive $555 stool (H.pylori add-on $30, Zonulin add-on $40)
Estrogen Metabolism $310 urine
Hormone Womans Rhythm $380 saliva
Metablomix $445 urine (add-on elementsl $70, MTHFR $35)
Methylation Panel $325 blood
Nutri Eval $555 blood/urine
Permeability (Leaky Gut) $255 urine
SIBO 3 hr. $350.00 breath
Thyroid comprehensive $315 blood (rT3, TSH, T4, fT3, fT4, TG-Ab, TOP-Ab)
Great Plains (Mosaic)Lab:
GPL-TOX Toxic Chemical Panel $340 urine
OAT-Organic Acid Test $395 urine
IgG Food Ant w/ Candida (94 foods) $345 bloodspot
MOAT Oat $315 urine
MycoTOX (Mold) $385 urine
Fit 176 inflammatory foods/Zonluin $480 bloodspot
US BioTek:
Food Sensitivity IgG 96 $295 bloodspot
Vegetarian IgG Food Sensitivities 96 $295 bloodspot
Food Sensitivities IgG 208 + Candida $500 bloodspot
Inhalants IgG 48 $185 bloodspot
Organic Acids 36 $275 urine
Organic Acid/Eviro Pollutants + Intrep $355 urine/bloodspot
Environmental Pollutants 14 $195 urine
Vitamin D add to food sensitivity $39 bloodspot
Candida Antibodies full panel $235 bloodspot
Candida Antibodies add to food sensitivity $79 bloodspot
Mold Panel IgE 15 $315 bloodspot
Vibrant America:
Wheat Zoomer $365 blood
Gut Zoomer 3.0 Complete $605 stool
Tickborne Lyme + coinfections $1025 blood
Hashimotos: Wheat Zoomer + Thyroid panel $415 b;ood
Neural Zoomer Plus $485 blood
Anti-Aging –Micronutrient & Hormone panel $595 blood
Arthritus Vibrant RA + Wheat $375 blood
Neural Health Combo:neural+,Wheat, tickborne $845 blood
Above + Lectin (no gluten) $845 blood
Micronutrient $605 blood
Inflammation Advanced (connective Tiss+ Food Sens $705 blood
ZRT Labs:
Adrenal Cx4, DHEA $230 saliva
Cardio Metabolic Profile $250 bloodspot
Female Infertility $440 saliva/bloodspot
Comprehensive Female/male Hormone 2 $405 saliva/bloodspot (e,p,pg/e2,d,cx4,ft3,ft4,TSH,TpAb)
Thyroid Essential $250 Bloodspot (TSH, fT3, fT4, TPOab)
Neurotransmitter $310 urine ( can add-on $84)
Weight Management $380 saliva: E2, Pg, T, DS, Cx4 + Bloodspot: TSH, D2, D3, In, HBAic
Please call Dr. Rispoli to order a test. Consent forms must be filled out prior to test being sent to you 818-707-3126
Please Note:
The laboratory services are for informational purposes only to be used by our Alternative Medicine Practitioner to look for dysfunction NOT diseases. It is not the intention to provide specific medical advice but rather to provide users with information to better understand their health. The test results are subject to the same privacy and release restrictions that HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) places on all medical records. The HIPAA Privacy Rule, protects the privacy of individually identifiable health information.