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Getting to the root of your health problems
with a comprehensive, personalized approach to finding the right solution for you will help you achieve a level of health, unlike you have ever known. What's more important than your health? I'll figure out what's going on in there by targeted questionnaires, Functional Lab tests, and Kinesiology (muscle testing).
I must fill out at the bottom of this page:
1. Patient Intake Form
2. Metabolic Questionnaire Form
3. Master Consent Form
In conjunction with colon cleansing and detoxification products, this can be an effective way to detoxify, reduce gas and bloating, aid in weight loss, feel and look your best. Coffee infusions helps with liver detoxification. Probiotic infusions help to restore gut microbiome balance.
Please prepare before having a colonic. Download Colonic Intake forms at the bottom of this page, print, fill in and bring forms with you for your appointment or arrive 15 minutes early! If you have to cancel you need to call 24 hours in advance to 818-523-1295 or text that number, the other number 707-3126 is a land line.
Note: Don't eat or dring one hour prior to appointment. If constipation issues: stop eating nuts, nut butters, hard cheses, and gas forming foods like onions, cabbage, garlic broccoli and califlower for a few days before to reduce discomfort. Also it would be wise to take a fiber supplement with 8 oz of water for 2-3 days before to add moisture to your stool to faciltate easy evacuations. Drink half your weight in ounces of water daily. This will facilitate beter releases and decrease discomfort!
Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET, are a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from Acupuncture/acupressure, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine.
I must fill out the Acu-New patient Forms at the bottom of this page
There are a lot of hidden causes of weight gain like hormonal imbalances elevated cortisol, food sensitivities, imbalanced microbiome with too many fat forming bacteria, poor digestion, bacterial or yeast infections. Once I figure our your root problem I can give your a plan of action and you will lose effortlessly.
1. I Must fill out the :
2. Ha2CG Consent form
3. Metabolic Assessment form and
4. Master Consent form at the bottom of this page
You Know something is wrong, and despite the fact, your doctor may think "it's all in your head," your symptoms are real and destroying your health and your life. Your symptoms are a guide to the core reason why you feel out of balance.
Dr. Rispoli has 30 years of clinical experience in Functional Medicine and Nutrition. Dr. Rispoli has a doctorate in Clinical Nutrition, Naturopathy and Oriental Medicine, and is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Esthetician. She is the founder Complete Health and Functional Nutritionist Academy. She finds the root of your health issues and personalizes a health building program to help you reach your goal of vibrant health.
Acupuncture points are believed to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals and endorphins into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These biochemical changes may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being and reduce pain. Series of 4 recommended every 1 or 2 time/ week initially to relieve acute pain. Chronic pain will be assessed at time of treatment.
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1. Acu-New patient Form
Acupuncture treatment focus is for pain reduction and improvement of overall health. It may be used to reduce chronic headaches, migraines, muscle and back pain, stress relief, eye health, mental clarity, reduced symptoms of neurological disorders, reduce digestive problems, insomnia, allergy relief, increase energy, enhance fertility, and overall wellness.
Acupuncture can also help support better immune and nervous system function. This, in turn, promotes improved overall wellness and helps the body heal itself naturally when illness or injury occurs.
The first Radio Frequency therapy of its kind to be FDA approved in the U.S. for wrinkle reduction was EndyMed PRO™. It stimulates collagen production, which fills the wrinkles we gain as we age. It also produces elastin, which helps tighten the skin. A clinical study of Radio Frequency evidenced significant wrinkle reduction in over 80% of treated patients. Series recommended
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1. Skin Care Consent form
Complete Health Institute Provides Custom Facials: acne, or anti-aging treatment in a soothing spa setting. I am an aesthetician, and I can help you with acne, brown spots, aging skin, wrinkles, rosacea, and normalize dry or oily skin. My signature facial, post-peel healing, and hydrating facials are the talk of the town. I offer five effective treatments that really get results.
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1. Skin Care Consent form
Micro Needling creates micro channels in the skin. When those channels are created the skins own repair response is to start producing collagen and elastin to make our skin tighter and smoother. Micro Needling delivers both immediate and long-term benefits. Shortly following your Micro Needling treatment, very superficial swelling causes the skin to plump up and look more radiant. The long-term benefits result from the production of collagen. Added collagen rejuvenates the skin, smoothing its texture, while improving the condition of various skin blemishes such as scarring from acne and fine lines and wrinkles.¹ Series of 4 recommended every 3-4 weeks for best results.
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1. Acu-New patient Form
2. Micro/Nano Needle Consent Forms
As a stand-alone treatment, Micro Needling delivers impressive skin benefits, but these effects can be greatly multiplied by coupling the treatment with topical serums, such as Hyaluronic Acid, lightening serums, or custom serums for specific conditions.
The first Radio Frequency therapy of its kind to be FDA approved in the U.S. for wrinkle reduction was EndyMed PRO™. It stimulates collagen production, which fills the wrinkles we gain as we age. It also produces elastin, which helps tighten the skin. A clinical study of Radio Frequency evidenced significant wrinkle reduction in over 80% of treated patients. Series recommended
I must fill out at the bottom of this page
1. Skin Care Consent form
Complete Health Institute Provides Custom Facials: acne, or anti-aging treatment in a soothing spa setting. I am an aesthetician, and I can help you with acne, brown spots, aging skin, wrinkles, rosacea, and normalize dry or oily skin. My signature facial, post-peel healing, and hydrating facials are the talk of the town. I offer five effective treatments that really get results.
I must fill out at the bottom of this page:
1. Skin Care Consent form
The main component is thermal energy, delivered deep into the dermal layer of the skin. This assists in increasing oxygen, nutrients deep penetration on topical serums, & supports the natural regenerative processes of collagen and elastin production.
The treatment also involves the emission of enriching oxygen, a natural cleanser. This part of the therapy counters the effects of pollution, & helps reduce the appearance of enlarged pores. This results in a smoother, evenly textured skin surface.
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1. Skin Care Consent form
2. Microdermabrasion Consent form
Lymphatic drainage provides relief from painful swelling and is part of the immune system affecting the whole body. It improves circulation, moving lymph toxins out. Draining the lymph nodes reduces edema, swelling, inflammation, and pain related to surgury.
With CEDS, we test 30,000 imbalances providing feedback to correct those imbalances using specific frequencies. This process is completely pain-free and non-invasive. By applying positive biofeedback CEDS can bring the body back into balance, reduce stressors, improve energy, reduce pain & inflammation. The program recommends specific herbal formulas and supplements to assist in balancing your body.
Chemical peels are quick, safe, and effective, allowing clarity to return to your skin and firmness to the surface. Custom formulated peels are as unique as you are. Moderated penetration on the damaged skin with minimal discomfort and minimal risk of scarring or downtime.
Series of 4 recommended every 3-4 weeks for best results
LPG Endermolift is a 100% natural anti-aging technique that stimulates the skins natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid and is used to treat wrinkles, sagging skin, firmness, double chin and puffiness. A course of treatments is required for optimum results. EndermoLift™ is the first technique in the world that has been scientifically proven to increase hyaluronic acid by 80%.
Endermolift is a non-surgical skin-firming treatment that uses micro-pulsations and massage to stimulate the skin cells on the face and neck, encourages the body to produce more collagen and elastin, which can help reverse signs of aging. Endermolift can also increase blood circulation to nourish and oxygenate the skin, and gently stretch connective tissue. Stimulate collagen and elastin production.
You will see smoother, plumper, younger looking skin, without the use of surgery, injections, chemicals, or electrical currents.
I must fill out the Skin Care Consent Form at the bottom of this page
Utrasonic Cavitation Anti Cellulite Treatment -Removes stubborn fatm stretch marks, tightens skin and restores collagen & Elastin by utilizing 4 types of tecnology:
1.Biowave Micro-current - stimulates muscles, tightens & strengthens, which shapes yu body, repairs skin texturestimulates collagen & elastin.
2. Radio Frequency - penetrates into the dermis and converts electrical energy into heat energy thats helps burn fat & regenerate collagen.
3. Red Light - promotes blood circulation& rejuvenates the skin, restoring elastisity & reducing stretch marks.
4. Constant Temperature - quickly increases the temperature of the active parts and improves the effectiveness of the other technologies
Treatments are by area and typically last 7 - 10 minutes. requires 2 times a week for 6 weeks. Results are visable wihin 30 to 45 days after a series.
I must fill out the Skin Care consent form at the bottom of this page
LipoMelt Near Infared LED laser offers a scientifically proven solution for stubborn cellulite. It's so comfortable you will fall asleep while reducing inflammation and pain too. LipoMelt is FDA Approved for cellulite reduction and skin tightening. Near infared is deep penetrating and allows trapped fat to escape into circulation.
I must fill out the Lipomelt Patient Intake Form & the LipoMelt Informed Consent Form at the bottom of this page
A metabolic reset program is a dietary and lifestyle intervention designed to improve metabolic health and promote weight loss.
Includes and Initial Metabolic Wellness Initial Consultation to analyse hormones, diet, lifestyle and other health concerns affecting weightloss.
Includes Weekly follow-up stay-on-tract appointments.
Includes Healing Contour Light Therapy -Melts Away Fat :
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1. Patient Intake Form
2. Metabolic Questionnaire Form
3. Master Consent Form
Choose any 3 treatments and save $40.
Lose 15 pounds in 30 days or up to to 35 pounds on 45 days.
Must fill out the Ha2CG Consent form, Metabolic Assessment form and Master Consent form at the bottom of this page. Schedule HCG Consultation.
AcuNewPatientForms_Final (pdf)
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DownloadLipoMelt-Patient IntakeForm.doc (1) (pdf)
DownloadLipoMelt-InformedConsent (pdf)
DownloadSkin Care Consent Forms (pdf)
DownloadChemical Peel Consent (pdf)
DownloadMicrodermabrasion Consent Form (pdf)
DownloadPatient Intake (pdf)
DownloadMetabolic_Assessment_Form_Fillable (pdf)
DownloadMaster Consent Forms (pdf)
DownloadHa2CG Consent 2020 (pdf)
DownloadMicroNeedle & Nano Needle Consent (pdf)
DownloadComputer Electrodermal Consent Forms (pdf)